
From increased knowledge to higher levels of confidence, Virtual Mentor makes a difference.

We find that Virtual Mentor improves health worker’s knowledge of the finer details of correct PPH treatment and significantly increases their confidence. Points of knowledge most likely to be increased by Virtual Mentor are infusion rates, updates in medication administration, procedure instructions, and calculations.

Route oxytocin PPH treatment

  • Before 100% 100%
  • After 100% 100%

Dose TXA PPH treatment

  • Before 90% 90%
  • After 100% 100%

Dose oxytocin PPH treatment

  • Before 90% 90%
  • After 100% 100%

Dose misoprostol PPH treatment

  • Before 70% 70%
  • After 100% 100%

Max dose oxytocin in 24hrs

  • Before 40% 40%
  • After 85% 85%

Volume IV fluid replacement based on blood lost

  • Before 15% 15%
  • After 70% 70%

Route misoprostol PPH treatment

  • Before 10% 10%
  • After 75% 75%

Administer oxytocin to treat PPH

  • Before 65% 65%
  • After 100% 100%

Administer TXA to treat PPH

  • Before 55% 55%
  • After 100% 100%

Administer misoprostol to treat PPH

  • Before 60% 60%
  • After 75% 75%

Diagnose hypovolemic shock associated with PPH

  • Before 55% 55%
  • After 100% 100%

Effectively manage postpartum hemorhage

  • Before 50% 50%
  • After 100% 100%


"8" or higher

When we ask health workers “On a scale from 0-10, 10 being highest, how helpful would Virtual Mentor to be to you in real patient care?” 88% answered “8” or higher.

User Experiences

“Virtual Mentor is systematic in the way it explained the steps to me. That’s what I like about Virtual Mentor. I like the way it helps you remember things; you don’t have to be confused. Sometimes in an emergency you become a bit anxious and you forget some things. But when Virtual Mentor is explaining steps to you, it gives you confidence that you are doing right.”

“In emergencies that is what you need—you need somebody to talk to you and somebody to listen to you. It’s like you’re talking to someone.” 

 “I like the reassurance that all will be well. That one is very important, because in a real emergency you don’t know the outcome but when you get that reassurance you also make yourself encouraged.”

“Virtual Mentor makes you calm when managing PPH. In case you have no one to ask, or in case the doctor is not near, you are able to manage the mother well because you are not going to make mistakes with the Virtual Mentor guiding you.”

“With the Virtual Mentor, you feel you are not alone. When you need help, you have it. We wish it could be installed in our labor wards.”

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Meet the co-founders and team members who make Virtual Mentor possible